become a life athlete and live life on your terms.

The Problem with "Gym-Centric" Fitness

Most fitness approaches take a ‘gym-centric’ approach.

They focus on how much weight is lost, how much weight is moved and how many sessions you need to be in the gym for.

Although these details are important, they are supplementary to the approach of a Life Athlete.

What is a Life Athlete?

A Life Athlete uses the gym to ensure that their 1 hour in the gym, positively impacts the 23 other hours of their life.

They set goals based on what games they want to play throughout their life and then utilise the gym, food, outdoors, communities, and teachers to go about playing those games.

Some examples of Life Games could be bucket list items like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or learning to free dive. They could also be everyday goals like having the energy, mobility and fitness to play with your children. They could be more athlete-specific like competing in ultra-marathons, functional fitness competitions or even club sports.

Either way, the main difference is that this is a Life-centric approach, not a gym-centric approach.

It is to use the gyms within the fitness industry, not to let the fitness industry use you.

Live Life on Your Terms

The real focus is on what do you want to do with your life, then where do you need to be with relation to your body, mind, nutrition, and planning to be able to live that life consistently.

Introducing the Life Athlete Matrix

We have learnt that people don’t develop through ages, they develop through stages.

Our Life Athlete Matrix maps out the stages people move through in movement, mindset, nutrition, and planning.

We call these 4 areas; Move, Mind, Mouth, Manage

So the question now is what games do you want to play in life and where on this matrix do you need to be to be able to play them consistently, for good?